Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie has wrote the classic How To Win Friends and Influence People. I find it was an excellent book to read and the content is still relevant up-to today (not sure if in future, the way people communicate will be different).

To read a book might be a problem to some people. Not just lazy factor, busy with others activities and family commitment also makes reading more difficult. The easiest way to grab all the summary is by having somebody who have read it and understand it to explain to us.

By utilizing the modern technology and stuff, I would like to share with you guys on how I get the summary (at least I can revise some of the topic discussed in the book) with all of you guys. At least after watching this, you might want to decide whether to read the full book, or leave it at the bookshelves at the book stores.

Happy watching!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is your life like

I found a nice quote by Anthony Robbins. A simple thing which could change the view look at your life and it will change your life.

Even if we're unaware of it, we constantly use metaphors to describe aspects of our lives. Metaphors shape our life's perspective. For example, if I asked you to describe for me, "What is life? Give me a metaphor. What's it like?" you might describe life as a battle, and someone else might call it a game, or a test, or a dance. These are called global metaphors because they affect many areas of your life simultaneously.
If you approach everything from the viewpoint that life is a battle, what is life like? It's hard; you could lose or get killed; the next person you meet on the street could be your enemy. What if life is a game? It could actually be fun. What if life is a dance? Maybe there's a natural rhythm to it.

Anthony Robbins


Tony Robbins point is, you need to determine what you should look at your life. Make it simple. Life is full of happiness and richness. Full of success and freedom. I'll bet, starting from now, my life should be easier and more enjoyable. Except all the challenge as part of the riff or bridge of the song.